Green Quest Tokenomics :
Total Supply 1,000,000 $GREEN
65% Liquidity: Liquidity will be locked in one-year periods. The unlock date will be extended one month before the unlock date.
15% Rewards: Monthly 1.5% vesting over 10 months.
10% Advisors and Collaborators: Monthly 1% vesting over 10 months.
5% Team: 3-month cliff period, followed by monthly 0.5% vesting over 10 months.
5% CEX: Locked for 1 year.
Etherscan Link: Contract Address:
Taxes A 4% tax is applied on buying, selling, and transferring transactions. These tax rates are set to ensure the platform's sustainability and to provide the best experience for our users.
Tax Distribution
10% Auto Liquidity
40% Marketing and Development
30% Reward Pool
20% All other payments (Brots company and team expenses)
Auto Liquidity (10%) 10% of tax revenue is automatically added to liquidity pools. This mechanism increases liquidity in the market, allowing for more stable and secure token transactions. Automatic liquidity additions help maintain token price stability and improve user transaction experience.
Marketing and Development (40%) Wallet Address: 40% of the tax revenue from buying, selling, and transferring is allocated to the project's marketing and development activities. This fund supports GreenQuest's growth, attracts new users, develops game content, and ensures the project's long-term success.
Reward Pool (30%) Wallet Address: 30% of the tax revenue is allocated to the reward pool for rewarding players and participants. This pool finances the rewards distributed to players who complete daily, weekly, and monthly tasks, increasing player engagement and participation.
40% of the tax revenue allocated to the reward pool is distributed to the first 25 wallets that participate in the 24-hour locking period and complete tasks.
35% is distributed to the first 25 wallets that participate in the 7-day locking period and complete tasks.
25% is distributed to the first 25 wallets that participate in the 30-day locking period and complete tasks.
Future During the game's development phase, some ideas will be worked on in parallel with community feedback. The team will also strive to increase coin visibility. Our goal is to create a fun game that you can play with minimal effort during boring meetings or whenever you want. While playing, you can indirectly enhance your wallet by earning ETH or using $GREEN tokens.
The game itself will be further developed to include new functions, more complex tasks, new maps, player progressions, and everything a farmer needs. Some of these features are currently being worked on, while others are planned for the future. As a significant development, the game is aimed to be brought to mobile devices with a standalone application to reach a wider audience. This will also bring common mobile app functions such as microtransactions, benefiting every token holder.
Join us on this journey filled with opportunities and earning potential that GreenQuest offers and help shape the future!
Last updated